Chronicling the Latest IRS Scandals

During his most recent televised rant, Bill O’Reilly said a huge scandal can potentially explode within the Justice Department. He added that many Americans are confident that the intervention was in during investigations into the IRS’ targeting of republican groups and Hillary Clinton’s private email server. O’Reilly noted that former IRS employee Lois Herner was never held legally accountable for allegedly making right-wing groups his target for thorough audits, and Attorney General Eric Holder is told to refuse to…
Film industry taxation in California
California is known for giving tax incentives for the biggest film and television projects, the production process of which takes place in the state. The first film tax credit program was introduced in 2009 and provided almost a billion ($100 million per year over eight years) in tax breaks and credits to selected feature films and television companies. In 2014, the Legislature drafted and adopted a new film tax credit program that improved the ratio to reach the…